Page 9 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 9

"II doesn't ever really eome up in our diseussions and

deliberahims/' Doyle said. "We're all on the same page. Q

There's iusi too mueh at stake Noihing is more important

ihan our employees being able to return io their iamilies ‘‘‘'‘'‘'—i..— E" 
at the end of their workday. They do an ineredible job and »
we want to do whatever we ran io keep them free from

““’”'" NW8 S C8“

Another part of the budget thai doesn't get cut, nccordlng

io Tirheli, is zights—of-wily. Maintaining the proper ROW

elearanees is neeessary to proteet not only the line erews

but members and die general publlr: as well e O 

"When it comes to satety, our obligation goes beyond iusi

our employees. we have to make sure we have a vigorous '
right-of-wilypmgmmilnddneverythlngwecantumduce OU |

ihe risk oi our members being harmed as well,” rieheli -


Peters noted thai anotheraspeetorsare operations is And if you suspect a gas |eak, can
working wiih reliable and competent partners sueh as

Louisiana 311. Part of sLEcA's serviee teri-itory is within 1-800-ENTERGV (368-3749) or 911.

a 45-minute drive of New orleans, which means a lot

of subdivision construction And ihat means lots ui -

underground work. The eo-op has 117 miles of pi-imary At E"te"9Y: 5afetY '5 0“ "

underground serviee and 245 miles oi seeondary servite. number one prio,»ity_

He esiimated ihat the eooperahve eompletes an average oi - I

sikso ”Dottl2 tickets” each day. Make 't Yours‘

"Anyone who has done underground eleeine work knows

how poteniially dangerous it ean bn,” he said. ”ElncIl'icity I e‘ nniieanmu , _
wants io go to die ground and ihars nghi where you'm _ ‘r; 1, °""""'-'-
working. You'm iusi so dose in proximity to ii and you  _

can't physically see ihe entire system Your mapping has io —, .

be precise and up-to-daie. Louisiana 211 has always been )7; <_ ' '

a great partner in helping us get our work done saiely and . ' -

efficisnlly." - ‘ ‘ ~ II J‘. ~

: . —, v

And tor members of the public, he added, "There's no r_ iI.-~ ‘ _

reason any oi our members shouldn'i eall 811 when they - “ . “ ; . . ‘

have a proieci ihat requires digging li's simple, ii’s iree - ,e r K

and it's ihelaw." . » . _ ! 3‘

, I’ . y L
. 3!‘ , ti
SLECA s 10 Step Safety Program r I _ I
1. set saiety as a Top Priurity
‘<3 . ,. :
1. lead by Example ' ' u , ‘ ‘
‘ "N d ‘
3. Implement a Reportmg system i’ y .
4. Training / i
5. Condiiet lnspeelions ' ' —’ r  y
7. Hazard control '  ~»“
3. Hazard Reeognirioii ~ '
9. Address all Accidents or Near Misses
in. Make lmprovement a : l .,
i ,,.a..,. e,,..,,,...a  VLI r,,..,,,.i,..,.i.. no
fiflnl Srwkn ,. ii.,........a.i , -
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2013, Issue a Lnulslarlx E11 . 7

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