Page 20 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 20

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ne ot the greatest diseoveries great diversity that all stakeholders unable ID aeeomplish alone. Listening
a man makes, one or his bring to the table? And of oourse the intently to what the person is not
greatest surprises is to iind answer is yes, it is absolutely possible. saying is iust as imponant as listening
he can do what he was afraid . , to what is being said. Rather than get
h , lt begins with trust. You can have _ .
e cuuldn tdo. irustrated at the tone or voiee being
a commlllez without trust, but you “ml to undemmd wh mg
lt is not uncummnn to hear someone can't haveameaningtul relationship ’ '"”_ ’ V_ Y _
. ,, . struggleso getting tlteiririessageacros».

eoneludeaeonversationbysaymg that without trust. Thinkabout the groups, WWW D lumlml lohmwhm
wun'l work here." And the reason given committees, or boards to whlch you W ‘B h§’fzl':D m ml gm WE ml

tor this impossible task is that there belong. lt there is someone in that ’ Y’ ‘

is someone or some organization that committee that you just can't trust, If we understand this to be true, then
simply ietuses to eooperate. cnuld the problem be you If you how muoh more important is it that
relationships, and not about appointing P ’ ’ ’ ' . . .

. . . . . . stakeholders to be winners in keeping
committees, and tor the most part The next cnncal step in maintaiiung the W mm H mm ‘M ‘D 1m and Wm
**'gthe l'l1p f l‘l1ip’gdldf=.h‘h ty ’*’ ‘

nlalnhlmn serentluns I snmnt rzntluns Is on O a. lnn ones

omes harder than building them. and integrity. lt it needs said, say it, but Recently, znfmczmzm legislation

. say it with kindness. How we say what was passed. That was a tremendous
°‘“““'*""“’“'° '““"““5‘“ wesa is more im ortant that what milestone Thatsa alsmn Next
relationshipwhereindividualseome ’ Y’ _ .P_ ’ ’ . 3“ *
we say. Folks will soon furget what comes the appointments to the
‘“5“}‘" ‘°’ “°“‘“‘““ 3°“‘5' 0"“ ma‘ you said but will always remember entorcement board and rules for the
is-notabusive toward any position In * ' * .
_ . _ . ow you made them teel when you hoard to operate. Then determining
"Em 0"‘ "‘““‘”"“"‘ ‘°“‘°“‘ ""“" said it Find someone who can mediate the s eeilios ot enalties and lan to
“'2 P“’P“5‘ “‘ hm" ““d“5‘“"“““3 or taeilitate the issue so as not In tear implsment zdurarion training and clvil
the perspeetives of all involved.A , _ ._ _ . ' _
. . . . down whatsalready established penalties. Everytlung aiterthe passage
relanonship where everyone is a winner E me‘ _ h
_ _ . . _ . . o aw talls undert eeategory

because those involved are eommitted one of the most vital qunlltlzs tor a D‘ [thaw Eflecfive an We Wm ow

to each other, not only around the table, strong and meaningiul relationship, H, mm ‘D bz ,,

but to those who didn't even know tor bringing all stakeholders together, P 5 ’

there was a meeting. even those who may not agree with The best program in the eountry is not
Cumpmm mugs may bung mks you is the ability to listen with all you!‘ about mles, it's about eiteetiveness and

hean This kind or relationship requires it could very well start right here at
together, but Commlrmzm to a Commun h . _ . _
. . t at our listening goes beyond iust home. come on Louisiana. lt not us..
goal will keep them working together .
. words. we must eonneet emotionally whu7 If not now... when7 fl
soas to be sueeessiul. so is it possible _ ._
. . . with others to aeeomplish what you are
to aehieve sueh a relanonsliip with the
is . Lomslarlu E11 2018tlssue3

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