Page 20 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 20

coml/WED mam me 17
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This ptoeedute calls, tttst, tot elassttytng the soil, then tetetttng to the ehatts A. :._ 

and lllusttattons In the OSHA standatd ta detetttune the eatteet angle at the  "‘ ' K j
sleptttg O! benching . '

Ftotn the OSHA standatd  "3

TypeS0i| Angle ofBarlk _ it “Q
Stable Rock Vertical wall — /, ‘ 
Type A Soil 3/A to 1 (H to V), or 53 degrees 1 """"
Type B Soil 1 to 1 (H to V), or 45 degrees
TypeCSoi| 1‘/zto1 (H tov), or 34degrees :_ _; —;_\
. 7 _ 7 p A


Tlns is a system ui wooden walets, etpss htaees and upnghts that suppett ” ' ': V 3 e -

the walls of a tteneh O! zxcavatlon. The osl-LA standatd speetfies the ’ ’ , \~.t .
stzes of Urnbels, based on the varlous types of sell, the depth of the trench ’

D! excavation and the type Of tttnltet used to build the sttuetute (oak O!

Douglzu tat)

Hyeltaulte ~'l\uring systems have replaced a let of tttnhet shottng. Developed e" ” V

in California in the late leslls, thete ate two mam types of hydraullc shottng a ‘ _
systetns veltlcal shetes and honzontal ntalets. Bath etnploy aluminum 2' .,_.7§ ,‘

tails and hyeltaulte eyltndets that apply ptessute to the walls of a tteneh, , V

eteattng an "arching effect” |n the aehaeent seal that ptevents the walls ttotn / t ,

eollapstttg. 7 V


Ttenth shields ate alutnttutnt Bl’ steel sttuetutes destgned to ptoteet vvnfkela

by wtthstantltng the tatees of a eaveut lzegatdless of the tnatenal they ate

tnaele of, the pnnetples for tteneh ~lueld~ ate the same.


Oeeastonally the ehatts tn the OSHA stanelatd tot sloping and laenthtng, _ _ _

D! timber sltanng, as well ntaautaetuted systetns suth as alunttaunt ‘'51::ljxfffjifmjj::::‘f';m'‘:::,‘mf‘’‘‘’’''''‘'’‘ “’
hydtaulte shottng Dr trench shtelds, ate net apptapttate. Thete may be ’ ‘

jnbsltz eundattons at other taetots that prevent the use of all these systems

ln these sttuattons, a tegtstetetl ptatesstanal Engmezrmusl design a system T S . A

speeifieally tut the jnb. The engtneet has to he tegtsteted In the state whete “ “‘“'“‘““"

the system will be useel and will have ta "stamp" the design Thete ate By having a ptppetly ttatned and authonzzd
addlliomll tequttentettts as well, all of whicli ate eoveteel tn the OSHA catnpetent petsen anstte and following
standatd the cenetal Requttements seettatt Of the

 »s -    
The prupezly ttatned and autltenzed catnpetent Person nutst tnspeet ngomusly and tepeatedly tnspeettng eyety
exeattattans datly tat excavation, you and yuur entplayees ean

_ mdmmm of Pwible (m_im; work ~af2ly tn ttenehes and excavations. .
- tatlute otpteteettve systetns;

-   §’::;7,”:“’,::.,“:;£°.:}fi;:£3;:::’::Z;%;"”
- O! ttthet hazardous condllions. Equiflvllfrlf, LLC which pmvldfs 5al(5, mtlal

It , vi f I I

lnspeettatts must he eandueted pnat lo the statt of work and alsa as neeeled  :3,  
throughout each shttt, attet taanstottns and attet other polcntlal hazard- W5” Wm T'yWhsW' mm W W/W " ‘
ineteastng events The competent l-etspn must also check ad}t1cenl areas and W demulmdsflwr mi; '
ptpteettye systems (betete and during use) and louk always tot tndteattons ‘ ' '

of pitssmertewtns aztzuttsgeteleus at potenttally hazatdous Eondllluns.

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