Page 16 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 16

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"I  that  | P-
‘ Wh‘ t ' Y   c h ' 9
a IS Ollf olce .
ans  H .-
orne say, "Cnmmumcatmn is There rs no questiun bu« «ha« we've all dlsrupoons ln «he lives of «he general
our nar«on's llieline «o berng- hecorne absolulely dependenl upon public.
rn-«he-lrnow," while o«hers «he cnmmumcnlinn industry «o keep
. ,, . . _ _ A resul« of such a lack of «unely
say, More cornrnunreahon us lninrmed and «oge«her. I guess . H _ th 1 ‘ _

just means more fake news." Rlght that's why «he race «o provide «he rnos-« §“'“:‘d"::““t ‘“‘ f b 2 °";|°" ""5

or wrong, here is wha« we know in handwld«h far «he longesl contract al ‘ ‘mm [9 f‘"‘“ _“ ""3 °“’h"t*"°“’°‘5
«he held. eopper, fiber and wrreless «he rnos« anraclrve lnitlal price seems «o "if 9‘ ° “‘“}1°{‘ “'L‘h“f“ 1“ mi
lechnolngizshave eornbrned bo«h drive «he cummunicntiunscompetllnrs K 51”“ “Y?” E“ "‘ E .“:‘.“ ” A
aerial and undergmund lo crea«e a a« a mraous pace ln alrnosl every corner 9“ 23"“ 9 “E” F"““ “E 3“

_ unreasonable erpeclalrons; mnsl or

maze of duds and lrnes «ha« sorne o« «he coun«ry.

loca«ors declare alrnos« impossible lo . . “Tl“d‘ “°““ “"2 hm‘ "°3d‘d by

_. _ ln«erne« eornparues, phone rornpanres gunng enough advance nuuce and good
adequately or eonsrsrenlly pro«ec«. . . .
and «he cable rndusrry are all vylng con«ae« mfumxntmn necessary to ge«

Lrlrely, it is no« possrble to in! your dollars as «hey relate «o ahead ui «he work and nunarnaze «he
overes«arna«e «he arnponance of cnmmunicntiun. we apprecrare «he frustrations.

our nn|1'nn’s cumrnunicariuns extra bandwrd«h and speed hu« E Ch . h b . _
lnirasrrucrure, grven our dependence un«or«una«ely, «he rare «o be fizsl " “.‘5‘“5 P °“° ““’“ E“ ‘” 3

. _ _ _ _ _ greal hrs-« slep. Now «ha« we are
upun rl. 1us« «he o«her day, l sar ln «o serve an area has erealed sorne H I ‘ I (h 1 (_
a local res«auran« next lo a «arnaly unan«ended consequences «or «he 3 2 “ °“." 3“ °‘“ ““° “W 2 ’
. . . cornrnurueale. All stakeholders on «hese

ofelghl. l nooeed «he grand«a«her pmfzylonnls wurkmg «o keep . .

_ . , . _ lnnds uf pro,ec«s need «o unders«and
wa«ehrng a news channel on one ui Arnerrca s underground min.-«(n|ct1|r2 h L,‘ . ., d d ‘ h. _
«he raany ws hnnglng on awall. proleeled. 3‘ ° “T ’h.“*° 53:‘ °‘P‘°Lf‘ ”“"
His «wo sons were ho«h watching a “"“““'“‘“ "3 W‘. °.“° “"7 °’

. An example recen«ly crled by a con«rac« Ihmughuul «he project rs cnbeal lo

sporbng event on ano«her TV and . . .

i . localor was «he only nooce he rereryed ensure «hal o«her uhhty loca«ors can ge«

our or «he older lnds were holdrng . . .
mm mm Phum Smmng Lhmgh «hal an subcunflaaoxs  rzuvlng rn honl and shy rn fmnt uf «he proyecl.
sorne«hrng, while «he «wo-year.old ‘“ °. ‘S “"3 “"5 ° “° ‘ °“ °“ At «he end of «he day ho«h «he
. . recewed [ram «he B11 cenler. Not '
was wa«ohrng a rnovre on a srnan M rm“ 1 mg mm was bum in excavamr and loealor have «he sarne
phone whrle ln her father's lap. ’ P * 3 Y P. ' goals. Both wan« «o «alre care ui «hear
chaos and ended m drsas-«er. I _ ‘h H k the H
Dunng «he an rarnu«es 1 was «here 1.” d . H k i 1 “'fi‘:}‘‘‘‘?’‘' jy """'_‘ _ ‘:2 “P 1”“ ‘°
“N to them’ mm Wm my {M s para Dxlca ae_ o commumca mn an err ernp oyees .~a .
,, fmm a cornrnunrcahon Expzn leads ,
words spukzn, o«her «han pass me surely by now, we ve learned that each
. ,, ,, . «o «rusrraoons for all rnyolved and
«he sal« 1 «houghl, No«hrng lrlre H em Ma ‘ (mm 8 In of us has our «nrsrrauons even under
geltinglogzlher «or some quali«y ''‘E‘ ’’ ‘ ‘V V" ‘ 5 «he hes«o«cirrurns«ances and many of
. ,, underground rnzraslruelure anrl
«arnrly rune.
u . «aaaaa. 51.1 ears lsua2

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