Page 8 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 8

Entergx Have YOU
NW8 S call - - - - -
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 b€fO re ~ ' ' .
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you lg. “um 
I V .- I L.
And if ou sus ect a as leak, call '
1-800-ENTERGY (368-3749) or 911.  a  ‘
" I
At Entergy, safety is our 5 D N
y  my
number one pnomy_ Exenlmve Dlrzcmr
Make It yours! @
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I _r havlrifi . LAONEC LL OM /
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3 .33‘. ; -r tthe beginning of thrs dtgglng season, there
.. V’ ‘ ‘ 4 w rsno better ttme to revrew your customlzed
7 » II ' : " aka ase ma ilnt e ne a stem to
y Y. , ' d b p h 0 C llsy
u ‘ _ -  £2” ‘ oleterrruue rt changes need lobe made.
: ’ , E ' y There may posstbly be areas where you have Installed
- " : A» new llnes and may not have added that area mto your
' ‘  ‘ exfitmg database. In additlon, there may be areas that
. « 4 _ you may no longer be responstble for that need to he
_ y‘ , A removed from your exlsung database. It ls also an
_ . ..,,_3_ y _ . ,._.y i . opporrunuy to View your database to see rtyou are
’ “  ‘ ’ . emu nulsancecallsoutstde or our area and could
r o 8 3 >
r , _ *  cu posslbly determine that your eustomrzeol area may
V .,_ _ be too large and need modificatlons. Please reel tree
. .. , it 7‘ to vtew your current database onllne by loggmg ruto
, .. _  (mm:-cxll! mm Ifyou need assistance wtth logglng
,  '7 ,. . 1 ln, please contact the database admmlstrator, Shana
 ' 7 A Fleming, by emall at sflL'm1l1g@l7cct'n(.(om W
.3‘ r ‘ rt *1 Mi’ l " :1
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a .  E11 2015, Issue 1

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