Page 21 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 21

High consequence Areas in aeenrdnnee with tederat regatatmns-,

srrrne ama~' nenr prpeirne. bnye been des-rgnnted a~' Hrgn Conusqucncc Areas For

tne.-e nrens, ~uppIcmcnlal naznrd n.-s-es-srnent and pmvcntion programs kimwn

a~' integnty Management Programs have been deyeirrped. it n prpeime operator

has‘ i-irgi. cens-ennenee Arctw, rntrmnntren nbrrnt these plans may be zivailriblc

tnrengi. tirerr eompnnys website er by eontnetrng tire ()pcramr'~' mrpernte


Tbere i~' a wide range rat pmduth traveling tirrmagb tbe ti'iou~'zind~' et miles et V , A.
prpeimes, everything trrrrn gns trrr year enr te oxygnn tttr nesprtnis. Many of Ar
tne.-e pmducb ean be i.rg1riyt1ammab1e,narrnnai ii rnirnied, mus: eye or skm \ ~‘ ‘ - ‘,
inilziliuri or prass-rbiy :ziu~'i: drriteuity brentnrng. some of the matennis emaid ‘ ,

cause environmental dnmage. iseeeuse of these potcntitil hazards, rt i~' rmpnrtant 5! {v _'

[or our nergnbors to be nbie te risnigiiizc a piPCliflL‘1L‘E|k. _ _ -. N 5-‘ _ ‘ .

rfl t; v’ ' ' s_

can Owners Build in Dig on a Right-Of-Way’! rmebrre ;

Iighl~‘—0f—wt1y must be kept tree from straeturee and othcr ebstnaetmns to n g

pmvidc neees-s trr tne pipclinc [ox nnnmtenanee, t1~' wen as in tbe event oi an ‘_ '_ , t~ ’
emergency ii a prpeirne ems-se.— your property, please do net plant (mm or ‘_ §_ ’ v‘ 
inrge sbnab. en tire ngl\t—oi—wr1y. be not drg, build, strrre or plritc ziiiything -“ V: - .
on or nenr the right~'—(if—way without iirs-t irnymg the ptpeime eompnny's , ‘. . ' a
pcmtinncl nnnrk tbe prpeime or stake tbe ng1'its—of—wriy and cxplaiii the 4, _

eempeny's :on~'lriictii.m and eas-ennent rcquircmcnb tn you ._ ‘mew ’ _

-I _ . - _ — .5,

We Need Your Help me iizili()ri’~ iiifm~lni:lurc~', metarirng pmebne.-, ‘K:

are a matter of natmnni ~'ccunty. it yeu wilnc~'~' s-us-prermas netmty on n pipciini: . " "' ,
nghbnlrway, plcri~L‘ mporl ii tn the zippmpriati: authorities n. won as prr.-s-rbie, ' ' ;- = . .
or you may enn tne prpeirne npL‘rr1lox’~' marnbers. Tbreat nriyrserres may be 2 n __
found at tne Department of Hnnneinnd Sccunty'~ websrte rtnrnndns gerv/rmgrrttrre I ' ',.7,.r_ ~

. . . . - 7". «J “'

National Pipeline Mapping System For infunmition nbnnt ameirne. :1 ~;‘4
opcrziting in your area, you may contact the National mpeirne Mapping system , _

(NPMS). This riatnbas-e ulpipclinc opnrziiom and tne ieentren of tirerr bnes- _ ’~ ~ ‘
wa~' desrgned trar the public to ianye neees-s to erantaet rninrrnnttran [or pipcliiic ‘V ,fl, . V >
eempnnres npmtiling in your are. Tins inlmmziliuri enn be found at rrrtnrrmwrs “- . . ,.
piwtw do! gm/. vrsrt wwwiihiiis/1 din‘X011/HIVUAAhp}!Vi1wfl/affirm/Uffl(€—pipt'I{i1u—K/1fl':‘V[Or , ,1 - I ‘ I '-
rnrare information For infoxmrilioii on ~a[L‘ cxcrivation, go nnitne and vhit iivinw ~. . -' r ‘ 

f. k‘UHtHtU11XHJ1Ami/1”!/INF!’ mm aigx’ 
. _ v ..
-‘- t ’ ' -- ‘ A\vrimnc~~' i~' the key te pmvcnling pipclinc aeerdents. You enn cmilribuki: to _
x . __ tne .-atety nnri ~'ccunty of you: nergirborimori by knowing wlmrn prpeirnes nre, , ' 3'
, :1 § tf,_ and knrawrng new to reeragnrze unnutnerrzed netmty or ~'igii~ et n ieak, M at
_. wen as how trr respond in tire en.-e etn pipclinc aeerdent Fipcliiic companiL‘~' . -
. _ oiilinuc tra strive to be good nergiybnrs, end iu~t irke nny good ncighburhoud ‘ ‘K g. H
<' nten prugram, nergbbors look mat fur eaeb (ilhcr. imn in with tne prpebne ~ - _ ' , ._
c<impanic~' te keep enr tamrire. s-nte. 5 _  . ” ‘;
.7 _ R,‘ .
- 12 4

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