Page 18 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 18

Be aware of pipeline markers in your
neighborhood and at your worksite

Many pipeline eiinipanies regularly to be a quiet neighboi and pniviole CDHXSE between inaikeis. while inaikeis
inspect theii rightsaf-way using air, yiiii with this Impnrlanl lnfornlarion aie helptul in locating pipelines, they

font in vehicle patmls. These trained to help if you suspect a problem in do not pniviole lninrmatlon such as

ins eetozslrmk fur otentialdnn er in am area.Pi eline com anies lake the huw man ‘ elines are below Dr the


pipelines siiah as constiuction activity sate opeiariiin iii theii iniiastnictiiie depth iii the lines. The pi-iinaiy funcliun

oi signs nf gas Dr liquid leaks. These seriously, whiah includes pioteeting or these inaikeis is to identify «he

inspeclinns alcmg theii pipeline ioiites yiiiii family, youi pnipeity and the locnliun iii the pipeline generally as an

are in ensure the securi and ‘nice xi environment. Because nf this dill ence, alert to those whn mi htbe wnrkin

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oi theii lines. incidents me very mre. along «he pipeline ciiiniloi toi anothei
. , , . , ril’ d th .-t~nx ti i

Pipeline companies lceep in tiiiicli FD!’ youi s.-iiety, pipelines are niaiked ;un“‘EVs‘:! b‘_'x‘s“‘I“5:Ss:s“;’;Iby_‘Y:“; should

on a iegiilai basis with emergency by above gniiinol signs to pioviile be “Wm B‘ an i Elm mmkm m
oifiaialsanol wnrkvvithlocalemergency aninditafiun iittheiipiesence, . M’ £3 Ah _ .

iespondeis along pipeline righL-i- appioxiin.-ite localilm, material carried  ',‘,ffW°yD‘:" ';Ei;hb:r’:3'tE

of-way in (me of an eineigency, and the name and ciintaet intoniialion daw'n me “am and ham numbers
saiiietinieseventiainingwithaie Dfthacompany Lhaluperatastbe 3 mm an M izrmemmkemn
olepaitinents DI’ hazaiolaus materials pipeline. Maekeis may be anywheie (:5: of Ufmgmyf P

units. Even though a leak oi spill is along the right-Di-way (a strip of land

extieinely unlikely, pipeline companies usually about 75 to 150 feet wiile «Jiat Pipeline niaikeis are iinpiiitant toi

pmvide infunnaliun like that which contains a pipeline) GI’ iliieaiy ovei the safety ot the general public. it is a

yini will find on the (allowing pages the pipeline itself. These markets are iedei-al oi-inie ioi any PEISDH tn willhilly

that will piepaie you in the event that gemgalgy  black and led incolot. deface, damage, remove ox destroy any
itdoesoocui-.Theiihopeislooon«imie i V‘.-Gd?“ .- i~t.::Ii-..  vz, lviyeli-Mia:-S °rril;ht-vf-Waymarm

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