Page 12 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 12

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Przsrdeux am New In:
}“1Q many ,mkC}“,]dL\,, umu to talk to lucaloxs and cxcavamn you’m going to do.” I aikud hum to
may be ,m,u,m. m a who wurlk an tl\c};~'an|lc pruycct and hear Cxpluam pm a but and he [ullowcd
,ucm,.,u”_,,ED Pmlmy fiombunsxdnal altung~.1rcgmng up, pmycctsthatslartwnll
H ,5 doomed to fadum wcll pmmn~trucuon mccungi, update

without cooperation, cumdxnauon and OM Pmlm ,,. ,,,Cm,;u,1y mmpkmd mcwnza during tlm Pmlm and
commumcalmn bctwnun the locale: Wm, a m,mm“m M d,,,uP,mn,. and on-“I0 mL\'Ung~' If them Is a Elm-gt
or u--mm and the apparcnlly both   .a harmony, f;3j;;‘;;;*;;g§;g';fg§;f‘§;;"°

"““"‘“°"' “"3 ‘M ‘wk’ Th“ "“‘“ P""““ “ “"'“P‘*“°°‘ ‘“ “‘“ phu: (1: din "gm €ll‘nCKT1'1L‘I()CE1lOY

Ailcx havmg bmn m the mdlhtry fox mmm or Irmuauon, -‘msu P‘-‘"“‘“$ and med, [0 _,ndm,.,,,d and mpm

man‘ than 40 yeah, I can «-11 you that lmsam-vn» l||<¢1)'b<=lh thvlmlomnd the m.,m,_,,r, Plmmd Hm“

I've heard a (lung oItwu.1bmIlwh1.»~L‘ Mavfllor hm “>‘P°"L‘"<l‘d bath typo ,0, the 4“ The mm,” mm
iault|l1~tl\ata damage occurred or 0* Pwlccb and the qucslmn I~ WP-at ,,_, u,,dm;md and mpm "rm

Why a Prom I~ bvhmd ~'rhL‘duk'- It '““"“ ”“ d'““‘"‘°“7 cunstrmnh platnd an (11: locamr. If
air-1<,=~m1\~’a)'~' apprah I0 ‘>9 the 011“ Recently I had Lhc opportunity to them H a conflict In time or rc~'ourcc~‘r

guy ~' fault»--W1wL‘vL‘r tht‘ nth“ 5")’ '~- talk to Bram Fuller, Alabama regional both ihonlld have tlm abxhty to make

Am an mm year, 0, ,mm P,_,m,mg manager USIL‘, and askcd him to ~l\an: khn nL‘r:L‘~sary ad,u.:mcn}.- to avoid

and bang mm um fins“ P,_,mm,g wlml mad: the dxffumntu. Hc .am1, fru~tmlu.»n and damagc

damn’! .-om thc pmblcm~, wL"rc mu "TWO t1ung~' come to mmd air-mt HE m,,,,,,..Cd, ~w},m 1 my do W1“.

doing 1! 1: h rcfmah|ng [mm umn to  ,,a,.,,a,,,,.,..r,a5a,,.g.o d,,,;,m,,

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