Page 19 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 19

that rnyalyed an unrntentronal drggrng crannd Alllancc, a more formal group exeayatron commllmty, home burlders,
actlvlty that resulted ln a damaged of |ndu~try experts that roeus an saxety, the forestry assaeratron, rarlraads, laral
prpelrne and a eostly release of 011 rnto best praetrees and dnyrng publre polrey governments and trorn trrne to tame,
a bay. In relatron to damage prcvcnlmn. state goyernnnent."

Emory sard a barge aperator had been "we have had rnput from cxca\‘r1loh The earnnuttee Isn’l eurrently
dredgrng |n roastal Loursrana — and about the tech they are nsrng and ronternplatrng any ~pL‘t|fic rssaes
had notu'-led LAB11 oi thur artmty, survey rornpanres who work |n the or debatrng any partrenlar preee u[
and was eleared to operate H} a speerhe held. Tl\cm’~ lnpul trorn nwners and legrslatron. But Ernary sard terhnology
laeatron. The ‘ab was gorng as planned operators about then c><pcnL‘ncL‘~, rs always chnngmg, and the rndustry
unnl the owner made a poor deersron or bad aetors they're dealrng wrth," rs dnvcn more by teehnnlogy now
at the end of a wuxk day. lnstead ot Emory sard. "The eore gronp rs than cvu bcfom, whrrh means the law
deplayrng hrs anrhors, he phi dropped about two dozen people, and we needs to be tweaked on a regular basrs
the -IUD-Ion rntter head rnto the rnnd have repte.sentat.yes [mm all cf the to keep up wrth what's grnng an In the
to drag the barge to a stop ontsrde the mayor elertne and gas rompanres, held 5

desrgnated drggrng area. teleronnnnnreatrons eompanres, the

"In the praeess, he dredged a treneh

40 teet deep and 125 feet lnng and

ruptured an Ul1plpCl|nC," Ernoty sard

The ncxt day, there was a release or "’-3‘ .

a t'ew hundred barrels ul ml rnto the y 4" r
bay, and the dredge rornpany was ‘ . .
fined But to the snrpnse ui many |n \ ‘ A ’ ‘ mu j, W / ', 
the rndustry, a |IIdgc ultrnnately srded I ml. s,. , _ I  — '1 ,‘ ‘, ‘ ,-
wlLh the dredge ernnpany, sayrng the »— ‘ 59 6:‘: . 7 y , —
dredge operator drd not have rntent ta . ._  V. I ‘ ‘ l : ‘
errayate when he dcpluycd the eatter 1: ~ I ' ‘ 

head rnstead of the anrhor, wlurh was * ‘ ' . ‘. ,'  .

at the trrne the standard tor notrnratron M ‘T . 7 ~_

requrred by the Dlg Law . A ,_s  N H » " ' t ,
"But that's hogwa~'h,”Emoxyar1|d "So 5 -. , ‘D *7 ‘

In the zlvle ses-sron, we hled a lull to ~- >'

close that loophole."

The commlllcn spent several months . ‘~
earerully erattrng language that satrshed - _

bath utrlrty and cxca\'t1l|1.»n stakeholders ‘

and presented rt to the state legrslatnre. ' ‘

ultnnately that cfforl was a snreess,

and the law was changed Now the

law reourres natn'-leannn before any

operatron or artmty that would lrkely  C  C  NGI
result |n damage to a iaclllty, not ,nst ‘
when sorneane rntends to drg

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:1(|)1':lC|ll\§J3:lr1l drwn a e}anal who hrts . Des-‘gm,-mg and Marking

. gas |nc— esnatthrnkrng _ A . ID 5 . f M . M k d Um.

he's errayatrng, and rs rlearlynot at °fT'° "We ?°”"!”9 °’ C'pP'”9 0’ 5 " ‘es
fault. But rtsrnneone's aetrons would ' U'||"‘/ DSSIQFVGVIHQ VIC Ge0FJhY5|CG| Memods

reasonably lead to damage, then they - Ulifly Locating vlcl All & Hydro Excavation

(Lau.s.ana one Call) ~l\uuld have been . lmmy Cggydingyjon

“'-“"“"d'" E"“"Y “M M“ ‘‘‘d“'‘ M“ - Ulifly Relocofion Design 8. C051 Eslimales

a lot of pushbaek an that one, Except

the language that we used."

The Drg Law Advhoxy connnrttee rs an -.

allwolllnlccrlnduatrylcad group And

wa.toa., J35 I 

they do rnarntarn an open door polrey ' ‘ ‘ ‘

— and they encourage rnpnt from V _ _ _ 1‘ ‘V, ,W,_,‘ ‘ F pp‘  Mm ‘ F ‘,  ,_,‘_,,’
stakeholders around the state. They 4- -- " "Fr {:1 'g;,;‘_ {Jay l ; —.Ffl~=-r~a}ry; L] “'y‘_:l' “'4; ' ’ ’ '

al~u wnrk elasely wrth the crnnrnon ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ' ’ ' 1 ’ ’ " ’

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