Page 22 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 22

“Pu blic perception may be more important than regulatory requirements"
eeently l was pnvllcgcd to ptpeltnes earrymg many dttterertt ktnds lntormatton Reporttng Tool), damages
have Rugu Cox (a wondertttl ot products. The PSRs only apply to to underground uttltttes today are less
man, a true leader tn damage speethe types ot ptpeltnes For example than halt what they were to years ago.
preyenttort, prestdent ot ACTS water and sewer ltnes are ptpeltnes but nut tltey are sttll oeeurrtng. Eaeh and

and a dear trtend) tn the audtertee as l the PSRs do not apply to water and every one ot the destgnated stakeholder
presented a short pteee tttled "Ptpeltrte sewer ltnes. Leaks and ruptures bnhave groups eonttnues to be atteeted by
Potpounl” at the mpelme satety & very dttterently dependmg on what metdertts assoetated wttlt ptpeltnes
Awareness crttteal lndustry summtt at ts tn the hue. Natttral gas, crude otl, and, for that matter. damages to otlter
thts year's Common Ground Alltanee propane, gasoltne, dtesel tuel and many underground uttltttes.

(CGAD Cunvcntlon. I had talked a oLlter gasses and llqulds am all camed

_ what does all thts have to do wtth

tew mmutes about vat-tous ptpeltne by ptpeltnes but behave yery dlffcmnllv

regulatory tssues tneludtng ptthlte when released trom a ptpeltne ' l’“b"“ l’“““l"‘°“ "““ ’°5“"“°“'
edueattort programs. Roger and l were Th _ i H ‘“ql‘;(““"‘“$" I_“’‘l‘}t‘‘‘ 7}“ P“""° d:’_°"
mung WWW and hf mzmmd e Common mesmgc or a e no an new c rtgn a my mqulmmen s

matter what ts tn the ltne, tl you and tt there ts property damage,

that one ot my bullet potnts resonated

WM‘ hm‘ That bum Wm is ‘ht mm of reeogntze a leak or a ptpeltne rupture ertytrortmerttal tmpaet, or tt someone
Hm Nude 1. DO NOT dn attythntg that waxlld gets tneonyenteneed, tnptred or

’ ‘ cream a spark arsaurce o/t'gnt'tt'on. ktlled and a ptpeltne ts suspeeted, the

The regulattons ol eorteern were 2. Get away from it - upwind An’ ptpeltne wtll get blamed. If tlte tnetdent
the ptpeltne satety regulattorts, 49 uphill far enough that ylm cmllmt wtll sell an tune or newspapers,

CFR Parts 190 -99 (PSRs). Ltke many hear the noise, sec or smell the the tourth estate (the press) wtll get
regulattons — and vlnually all satety sllbstmlce escaping, m’, t‘ft't is lnvulved The taets and the regulattons
regulattons — the Psks estalaltsh loumtng, a safe oltstanoe from the beeotne trreletrartt. Any eorreettons
tntntmum reqtttrements: what ts the flames. 3. Dial 911, aaolatn yaur or retraettons wtll get bunnd tn tlte
tntntmum that a ptpeltne operator ltas clmcems, anal fallaw tnstruotiotts. newspaper and probably never

to do to be ”lagt1l?” Tltc Psks are not, Finally, 4. 1/ you know who the tnenttoned on the news.
1:,:l;P;:::.:;:t':::,f:;"‘;,.322: 5:51:22:h*;i;?::lt*:t:",i,?;?:.:° T’'°;‘"T“S§*j‘‘7°'fi*“‘';"?‘j= ‘
glvl: regulatory agcnrlcs enough tools apcratnr. P'I:ft;"L '" I“; *> W‘ V “:31 Mb “M
to get the "bad” ptpeltne operators to “" "3 “"’ ° “mgl W‘ “V” ““

K _h d 1 what ts the htggest problem wtth l’APs? needlessly tnereased.

"“"“"‘ °’ ” ‘“ °"‘ "‘ ln mv optnton tt ts getttng people

Parts of the PSRs- requtre ptpeltne (staltzholders)/to ltsten I-eople tn SAFE” PAYS! 5

operators to protrtde mtormatton to general (atteeted publte) have thetr lures

speethe stakeholder groups (atteeted to lead unless they have had a problem [alm r('IIn‘ltl/ram PHMSA and IS ettmntly
publlc, eleeted otttetals, emergeney wttlt a ptpeltne or know someone who l/tee pnsoletu o/l>taelttn~ system Carltflhr
responders, and ereayators) at has, the general publlc tust does not ante and opentttotts Srlvlccsfor c2 [’lzrI—
tmntmum freq’-Ifiencles lirtrmlannually care and has better thtngs to do. The ,,.,,, LLQ mm; M... ,gfnb1(IL‘x2—'5_(nl"

to onee every me years . T tese same goes tor poltttetans Etnergeney

parttettlar requtretnents are what is responders are typteally somewhat

ealled tn the ptpeltne tndustry (and tn more eoneerrted but they have so 2 1 V 4 9 t 3 B

the PSR) Puhlte Awareness Programs or many other tramtng reoutremertts, 9 3 1 2 6 A 7
PAP . l . l 3 d

‘ §r“e§.‘t‘§J§;“e2Zeit"?§'3.“Ql=§‘t§K223“ EIEEIIII

The u use of PA[’s ls to mvldc '

gthplpflllnflaiVt'1'1atElICIl1C}4\\'t'lmldO hg;;j;;2;;hP;;°;;*f;:;»“f:;";;“'° 2t§ Ilfllflfl
lhcvloukllke,wl1all~lnIhcm,w}mm . ‘ » ~ 5 — = _= yuan

— eompettttye held and there ts never 4
are they, what happens when they leak enough “me to am“ Wm you alga g 9 
or rupture, what should be done tt they M man , M ‘hc ‘mam mama“ 2
rupturflliugc Wm mm, man
that than are ~omt1ny dlifcmnt lundsof » V V PP » gnaan
20 s toutstaaa an 2017 l§suE2 A°“°‘d‘“$ “’ CGA 5 mm (D“"“‘5°

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