Page 14 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 14

Zowjaaz/za ‘
Board Profiles
vv My name is Todd Heberi and l have been employed at cenlerpoini
‘ . Energy since 1922. My mine is ciirrenuy lucated in Broussald, LA, and
Iwork ilirniigliniil mir Lnulsxarln/Missxflippi Regiun wiai respnnsibililies in
compliance, damage prevenlion, piiblic awareness and variniis npemtiunal
1-’ siippari functions l liave been a member of ilie LA one call Board of Direclnrs
since March ii: 2015 and lake pride in direcily \\Vul’king with other members
of the board, LA one call slaii and ailier peers involved in imprriving
I,‘ damage preventlon ilinniglnnil oiir indiislry wliile also personally increasing
-i. lcnbwledge and zxperienm. Like everyuiing else, the world of damage
prevention is evolving and l sincerely appreciaie the opporliinily to be involved
in this learn Eflorl.
Iam James Lass, ceneral Manger of Dislribiiiion operaiions and Emergency i -
Manngemenl at clecn rower LLc, wlnere l have been emplnyed ior 30 years.

l received a laaolielnr bi science degree in Electrical Engineering irom LSU in

1933 and l am a regisiered Prnfessmnal Engineer in Lniiisian.-i. clem is an electric

iiiilily company serving 235,000 cnsinmers in die sure of Lnuislann. Since 2:107, - -

l have been respnnsible fox overseeing ilne piiblicalinn and implemenlalinn uf

Clecds Emergency service Plan fur reslnring service in bar cnslomers following i.

malur iveallier evenis. A sew ii: ilie more noiable evenis incliirle ilie cumpany’s' 4
reslorarion Efforts iollowing liiirricanes ciisiav, lke and lsaac. in addition, l

actively parlicipaie on the Executive and lvliiiiial Assislance cammillees for K

llie Soulhezwllzm Eleciiic Exchange (SEE). Tlie SEE is a regional nrgamzaiion * V

in I112 sbiillieasiern us that brings lnveslnr owned unlilies lngeilier lo share ,5

lniozmalion and assisl eanli ollier in iimes iii need l have been a member of are ’

LA one call Board uf Direciors since April of 2012. For me, serving iin llie Board - J

ii: LA one call plays a vital role in praieciing llie underground assels as my

company as well as many other iililiry companies in Lniiisiana

1 ‘ ,_ My name is vic weslnn. l fuunded Tn-slale Rnad Eonng, 1nc., an
> Q iindergrniind cunfracling firm, in 1975. over die yenrsl have been
~ f‘vx_ v very nclive in Louisiana Associated General Can tractors (Acc), holding
_ every pasirion in llie nrgamzaiion ai one lime or anollier, and liave been
Acc Treasurer for more than 25 years. l was hunored to serve as llie
cliairman of ilie common cnninol Alliance ior a few years l also served
in many capacities with ilie Assaciaierl ceneral Contractors of Ameuca
and on (hi: Loiiisiana sraie Licensing Bnazd for cnniraclnrs for ever so
years. I'm now lionored to serve on ilie Lniiisiana an Board of Direclnrs.
s . ,
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12 . liinsaaii E11 2017 lssvee

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