Page 20 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 20

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twai run a normal day. lee and prmr to the eornrneneernenr ul up untll now, tompnnlci euverrng
Contmnor gur a ran to do .erne your work, rnarked all undergruund cxczlvr1toh oftnn drd pay utlllty damagc
work and ealled ln a sub for (lie properry rnelndrng, but not lrrnrted to, :lr1lm~ —tl1L‘ word "cx:avzm.»r" lt~ulf
trenehrng part. Evcxyllung wr1~ all undergruund llncs, plpca, ealale. or ~r1ya"dlg," .-o lt would be a llttlc hard
gerng along run as‘ erpeeled when, Iltllltma. to deny eoverage for drggrng.
.-uddenly, the ~ub "lulled to make a ,, ,
_ The lcttcx cuntmuca, You ild\'l~Cd that Yet, lflt l~n t wrlttcn correctly, an
turn for rhe undugmund pewer llnca
veu dld not get a drg rreker; tlmmiorc excavator eould alw find lllmscll
The power wa. kneeked out for a fnw —
1 we have nu ehuree but le advne yuu wrlhour euverage. Every lab dnacrlptlun
roan, and rhe power earnpany had
, rhar rhere ls nu ernerage fur rhe.e tarxlci a .-peenae ende rhar derernnne.
to replaee rhe lrne. when rhe power
V V V _ V damagci and we wlll nutbc handlrng the rare and eoverage. for whreh Lllc
earne back on,tl1LrL was a puwer ,,
tlm elarnn en yuur hehall pnllcylmldcx wlll be eharged. Ccrtzun
.-urge and the bean at rhe manna had
eleelrreal damage, and the elannanly ‘°V““‘74°’ “" “"“"‘d““ ”‘""“5,,l‘
damagci ranged from a rew hundred ”‘° “"“ °f ‘1‘° ""°“““ W1" A “E
_ V gruorner for example, has no need lor
dollar. to over erghl tl\nu~r1nd dollars. ,, d d V 1 ,, V V
You advrved 1.»IIl'lndcpcndcntr1d]u~tcr ““ “¥""“‘ “ ‘ “Y ‘°"‘“‘¥“ ’ ‘°‘
that you d.d not have a loeare tlckct . ‘”:""i§ ",f’;bf‘ £1“ ‘hf; f°"f” “““ ”‘°"
and that you had no eonrrarr wltll rhe “°“ “ * ‘ W‘ "“ *
~'ubcuntIactor." But, rl rn the lnmmat ol pnee, the
E0hlYE|C(0Y told lm agent "all l do
The above language r. an cxccrpt ,,
from zl letter from a nr1tlr.»nalm~urzlncc H hang “heck mck W he can get "
tllcapcx mtc, he ls NOT going to have
eornpany to a contractor denyrng
, eeverage If he hm an underground
eoverage lor tllc aeerdenr It . not a U V V b h _V k V H_
normal day anymore Jue Contmctur “ ‘ ' 3,’ °“““‘° “ ‘ “‘ ‘°“ ‘“’ “ “
 fzlclng lmgc lmscs , maybe  the 3°31" ‘ fa ; ;,"<‘ *3“ *~_"° *°v°'V"_8*‘
where n now NEW language wltlun ' Don't rnle everyrhrng you havn ro .ave
nnany polrere. ~pcC|fically addmwlng a few dollar.l
eoverage ONLY IFALDCATE HAS If V V I V d Vt _V I V H
BEEN DONE, Thu language h dlmct 3°“ M“ >'-‘‘" “> " ‘ “Y "°"'““' “
mm the Palm), ymlrdzlgcntdtlm t‘r(uth flbU|.\l(;VC!)é[l'1lnfi‘
vou u, an ma e ~um lt n lstc on e
Pnox to eurnrnenerng wuxk pnllcy; have a contract wltll yuur ~ub~,
(1) You have enher wlrarx errneally lmpunant r. rhar P“‘ ““‘‘‘"F‘ 3" “‘ “ ““T“"“"‘°“‘ "‘ “““
mV_mm mmpamu m “M mntrzlct— lmvc rhen agenr send you a
a) Cunrraeled rhe appmpnatn loeal Vpmficauy fluowmg mvmgc [Dr eeruheale of llwurancc narnrng you a.
undergruund lueaung ~cIvlr:L‘, er ‘mdmgmund _mlmcV_ ‘F and ONLY Addltlonal lmumd
1,) \,’,_xnfiCd that a 10m] undugmund H‘, a locate has been called In, wluln AND
leearrng eonlaer haw‘ been made by dmymg mvmsc for a Claim If a ,
,,...,,1.c, Wu}, .1“. m.p.,,..,b,.,,,,V and lotatn ha.- aner been ealled rn. If yuur C“11V’;h“_‘l1 BVEFVORE :3” Bl‘? 3 ff"
ror..par.y hn’t dung ltyct— tru~t rne, .l on 3, V < “M W0" = "'~‘"= * >0"
e) The lotatlng .ervree ha. responded, W,“ .,,o,,_ dun L 59
15 . 511 2017 l§SuE1

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