Page 14 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 14

CONTINUED FROM FAGEE Rebuilding the coast llieif Wad i-“Ki? One‘ Of ‘W0 lealofntiiaii

pxoyscla .laled a year, now lhere as a
"We wanl lo make very elear lhar Thank. ln pan la money lrorn rhe legal flu"), of mm‘, an along um mm
CAMO and our member eumpanres are selllernenl wrlh mlemanonal orl granl mp mm, Pwlrem m am. \,“‘h
we pereenl in .-uppnn of lhe nraslal BI’ and olher eornpanres lnvolvnd ln Lhc bumd m,mmmmm T1“ numb” and
re.laranon and mhabllitallon Efforts,” zulu Deepwaler Hunzon orl .p.ll, erews mgmmdfl 0, ‘pm Pmmfi B expcdcd
Ed sard. "we yusl wanl to help lhern are already dredgrng and barknllrng ‘0 mm” M, ‘hr “M H, Wm
da lherr job more .arely and preuenl low-lylng areas ln .lale.eonlrulled '
dr1mr1ge.That’a Lhc gap we are lrymg la walers on Luu|s|r1na’~ eoa.-rhne "We are trying tn get aliead of tlie
camp eaaslal re.laranon effort, to make sure

Whllc mo~t reslorannn efforts so far Pmpk mmmmmg ‘hm Pmflm
Long lost land have-I .ureesslullydaya.deSdcdama‘ge la undmmnd ‘hfi [M gpmmlh, tlm
ea    aasraea 53:; ;1",§;';,"u;:;i,::,;;wi;‘ii" °' one can iaw ni  "we
i » i » are lr 'm la elose lhar knowled e
lasrng land .-rnee Lhc lcvylngof Lhc h ,d b ‘ L}. C 1” ‘ I > s S
. 3 rriear on~ in 0 e ii iii neai Y a .Wl:'vc orlenurne. reauhed aul

Mi»'is~iPPi and Ateliatalaya Rivera 24 hours hrghhghled lhe need for 3 P

herare lo .ome of Lhl: mslal reslaralron
nearly 100 ye-ir~ ago» CAMO and ulhers la gel lherr message mmmumy hm mm hke this,
"After a rna,or flood rn New orlean. of damage Prevention to worl<er~ in
m 1927, am Anny cm, of p_nE,,,m, lhe area. The eampany rnuulyed ln lhar He sard CAMO r. workmg wrlh
bag“, a ma,.,m Pmm ,0 ‘M2 ‘hc rnndenl has eooperaled wrlh CAMO Lour.rana one call, prpehne uperalurs
MMMW mm and mm“ M Ho“, ,0 ,,.},C,. am. am... (mm .},.3,, ,,,,...akc. In lhe area and Lhc slale of Lonrsrana
of the A,d,mhy,, pm, m mg alna‘ and la help preuenl future damage and to edueale eunslrurnun erews so lhey
onee yau levee a rruer It's perrnanenlly rule»-c~ areliiiiire ai:;1air°ne- El :>ip}eli:ie~ glett
flowlng m une location, when for many mm? has hm my mspmm iii: W ere 1 ev iii; iih ii a Pit: iie ~
Yea” il lied lieeii iiieeiidleiiiifi beck “id and allowed u. la use lherr .-rluannn la “V cm” ‘WC.’ 6" Cy "Pm ° .
mnl, d,,,,,p,,,g ,.Cd,,,,m. , (wluch Ed .ard r. imqucnlly 24 hour.

leaeh urher.. ll s anulher opportunlty a day Wm am a mm and mm
"Rlvcune syslems depasrl sedmnenl to set our memage niit to a griaiip We opefaung pres-sures, He said |11;|[l'|clP~
and meander back and ioxth In areas, traditionally liaVeii'i ii-teii~e<l ea "iileli to dernonslrale lhe rrnporlanee of
y,.,,1d,ng;g,,d,~ Ed .,,.d_ r-nmr, how on. But now we have t11r1lchr1ncc," Dpmmg "NV mung wpghm m a
lhe ban: of Loursrana was bulll, nvczs Eel sai<l- ”Even ilioiisli 5°iiie One-Calls manne enurronmenl, and dnve. hume
hrrngrng ln sedrmenl rrum Lhc north." were made on tlii~' pieleetr tliere nil‘ huw lmporlam salery r.-.
eerlarn pans of lhe law Lhal were not '
Tlie e°ri~iliiie Wvea ea d iinliiiril biilfel followed.” "We’v2 already had mullrple meeungs
helween Culf waler. and Lhc land lhal am. hgvanr. happmcd ,,. am PM W}.
make. up lhe soulhern pan of lhe .-lale. Sinee tliat aitiietiianr 545 leaf" liii‘ rhe.e slakehulder./' Ed sard. "Wc'vc
l-eains tliat prnteeiion ean cause all alliellml “l'“m‘iil WP“ ii‘ male‘ had lndlvldual rneelrngs wllh slale and
suns of rssues lrum areeleraled land ieatnration metlivadar ioeiisins mostly proyeer managers and a roundlable wlrh
lus. lu inrreased slunn .urges dnrrng tan dredginpa to ~ee liciw tretliientl)’ The coa.l Burlders coahlrnn. AI lhuse
humcanes damrise liaa i>eeiine<l in tlie peel meelmgs we ourhned Lhe rharaererrsnes
Aller years of ernsron and eumpaenan "Wliat we tciiind was that there» a °‘ ”‘“ l"P°““°5 ‘" ”‘° ma “““ "°"" ‘°
with no nalural sednnenl deposrls to minimum ei one Pipeline strike Per ‘”‘’‘l‘ ‘“‘“‘l' “’°“"“l 'l‘“"‘
replenrsh lhe losl land, lhe ~uuLhem year from a diedse or aasodated r-Folk. are (alhng cal/lo duieglly when
pan of Lhu .lale ha. berorne mare etliiipment/' Ed 5ai<l- "9" leiidr lhey know pipelrne. are ln lhe area,
susreplrble lo lrdal .urges durrng iliat <liie5ii’t aiiiiiid like a liil» '3'“ huiare havlng lrouble gelung ahald
hurr-canes, and other dangerrr-i~ Willi any iepeii lei a Pipeline in a of prpelme rompanres. ln rhe pasl lhey
eondrnuns. Land lus. ean alsn nxposl: marine envirivnnienir tlie eeati :0 iip mrghr have eonnnued and nar reached
or rediiee ilie depili of nvverage for “XP°"=""iillY 0"“ ii Ye“! ‘liiesill out for a.s.slanee Thalis one of lhe
liiiiied Pipeline infranruetnrer wliieli °"“““l lll“ “ liilr l’“l ll Y0“ l°iil< “‘ ‘lie early po.-rnye benenls of uur rnrreased
In tum make. lhem more .useeplrble lo environmental iinPaet ef livelieeriileitii‘ olltrcach,” Ed sard
dflmflgc, released ln a roa.-lal enurranmenl, ll r.- a
vnry roslly and rmpaellul snuanonxi whale lhe re.-loranun emrrl. aren't
Ed sard lhe pruhlem of land luss r. well ,Pm5Cg;1,,.n,a,.d¢d,,, hemp. P.,,d,..¢
dneumenled, and cifozts lo replenrsh Unlike a Pipeline riiPtiiie iiii leiidr rnlraslruelure, many of lhe pzolccts wlll
lusl naasllrne and ronlrol eru.ron have worker» may nut immediately be aware Posjuvfily mm P]Pel]|1c aperanaa.
been drseu.sed fur nearly as lang as of tlie elriniase 0! leek lii ~ii"ie <ii~i=a/ In lhe area. Not all ui rhe prpe. wlll
Ihl: lluad ronlrol melhnds have been ln Pipeline °perator~ netiee tlie elaiiiese be buned any deeper, but lhe deplh
,,lm_ Many ,.,,,,,lk, pmm, hm hm. helure Lhc worker. whu arnrally raused of mvmgn Wm,‘ be my 1% than H
eumpleled Lhmughout lhe ycr1r~, bur the damage» wa. berare lhe proyerls .larled. And,
rl hasn'l been enough la keep up wrlh Inmased edumion 930,15 as wllh any ercorl to reduee .urge and
the Ciilf'~ voraeioua appetite for silir ereale a .lronger foundation for lhe
sand and .ed.menl. And unul reeenlly, MD has been zlctlvnly edueahng dredge ‘my above, the mml ,e,.0m,,,,,
lhere hadn't been a souree fur lundrng and lmavy nqulpmcnl operalor. alung mom W," cmfl,,,ly help pmscl mm,
ma.swe eonslruruun pruleels along lhe lhe coast, bul wnh lhe new lnflllx of mam, },ab,m,. and human ()Pexi‘l|l)r‘:~’
coaat. El’ fine money. they have ~'tel>Ped rnrludrng oil and gas dnlhng, galherrng
up Lhclr ercorls an a bag way. where and pmmmg Dpmuoml .
12 . Loulslzmlssll 2017 Issue)

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